探索佛罗伦萨最美的地方 佛罗伦萨山口这是您游览这座文艺复兴城市最具代表性景点的理想选择。只需一张门票,就能游览非凡的景点,如 阿卡德米亚画廊,"...... 乌菲兹美术馆, 佛罗伦萨大教堂布鲁内莱斯基的穹顶、乔托的钟楼等。
使用该通票,您可以跳过漫长的排队时间,只需 优先访问因此,您可以节省宝贵的时间,充分欣赏艺术和历史。您可以自由安排行程,游览必到的博物馆、纪念碑和观景点。有了佛罗伦萨通票,您就可以在文艺复兴的摇篮中尽情享受独一无二的体验。
"Perfect for those who want to see everything!"
"The Florence Pass allowed us to visit the main attractions without any problems. Skipping the queues was a great advantage, especially at the Uffizi and the Duomo. Ideal for those who want to optimise their time!"
"Super ticket to visit Florence!"
“We saved a lot by purchasing the pass. It includes all the places we wanted to see and gave us the freedom to plan our tour without stress. Florence is marvellous and this pass was a great help!”
"Convenience and organisation."
“Con il Pass Firenze è stato tutto più semplice. Non dover acquistare biglietti separati per ogni attrazione è stato comodissimo. Lo consiglio a chi vuole visitare la città senza perdere tempo in fila.”