O David de Miguel Ângelo

Michelangelo's David: The Icon of Renaissance Perfection

O David de Miguel Ângelo, que se encontra na Galleria dell'Accademia em Florença, é uma das obras de arte mais famosas do mundo e um símbolo do Renascimento italiano. Esta extraordinária estátua de mármore, com mais de 5 metros de altura, representa o jovem herói bíblico num momento de tensão e calma antes da batalha contra Golias. A perfeição anatómica e a expressão determinada de David encarnam o ideal do homem renascentista, no centro do universo e senhor do seu próprio destino.

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Useful information

Accademia Gallery of Florence

The Accademia Gallery of Florence is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:15 a.m. to 6:50 p.m., with the last entry at 6:20 p.m. The museum is closed every Monday, on the 1st of January, and the 25th of December.

It is highly recommended to book in advance to avoid long waits. Closure procedures begin 10 minutes before closing time; therefore, access to some rooms may be limited from 6:40 p.m.

  • Book in advance: Tickets for the Accademia Gallery are in high demand. Book online to avoid long queues.
  • Visit early: Morning hours are less crowded, offering a more intimate experience.
  • Don’t miss David: After admiring the Prisoners, Michelangelo’s David is the highlight of the visit.

Como lá chegar

The Galleria dell’Accademia is located at Via Ricasoli 58-60, in the heart of Florence, just a short walk from the Duomo.

Here’s how to get there:

  • On foot: From the Duomo, walk north along Via Ricasoli for about 5 minutes.
  • By bus: Urban lines 1, 6, and 14 stop near the entrance.
  • By train: From Santa Maria Novella station, it is about a 15-minute walk.


Michelangelo sculpted David between 1501 and 1504, working on a massive block of marble that other artists had abandoned due to its difficulty. Originally commissioned to be placed on the Florence Cathedral, David was considered too extraordinary to be positioned so high. It was therefore placed in Piazza della Signoria, where it remained until 1873, when it was moved to the Galleria dell’Accademia to protect it from the weather. The statue represents the strength and intelligence of the Florentines against the powerful enemies of the time.

Michelangelo sculpted David between 1501 and 1504, working on a massive block of marble that other artists had abandoned due to its difficulty. Originally commissioned to be placed on the Florence Cathedral, David was considered too extraordinary to be positioned so high. It was therefore placed in Piazza della Signoria, where it remained until 1873, when it was moved to the Galleria dell’Accademia to protect it from the weather. The statue represents the strength and intelligence of the Florentines against the powerful enemies of the time.

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