Discover the treasures of Florence with a comprehensive tour, fast-track entry, and an expert guide by your side!
フィレンツェを代表するアトラクションに素早くアクセスできるガイド付きツアーで、フィレンツェの素晴らしさを発見してください。フィレンツェ アカデミアギャラリー ミケランジェロの有名なダビデ像がある。 フィレンツェ大聖堂の素晴らしい傑作に魅了されるだろう。 ウフィツィ美術館.また、専門ガイドの案内で、この特別なルネッサンス都市の歴史と芸術を十分に堪能することができる。
"An unmissable tour!"
"This tour was perfect for discovering the best of Florence in a single day. The guide was very knowledgeable and made each visit interesting and engaging. Climbing the Dome of the Cathedral was the most exciting moment. Highly recommended!"
"Excellent organisation."
"With the fast-track entry, we avoided endless queues, especially at the Uffizi. The guide was very clear and friendly, and allowed us to understand the hidden details of the artworks. A truly well-organised experience!"
"Ideal for art lovers."
"This tour is a dream for those who love art and history. The visit to Michelangelo's David was incredible, and the Uffizi is full of masterpieces. The guide made us appreciate everything with passionate explanations. A must-do!"