Descent from the Cross: Pain and Grace in the Galleria dell’Accademia

Il Discesa dalla croce ospitato nel Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze è un'opera di profonda intensità emotiva. Attribuita ad artisti del tardo Rinascimento fiorentino, la scena raffigura il corpo di Cristo deposto dalla croce e sorretto dalla Vergine Maria e da altre figure sacre. I dettagli raffinati, le espressioni cariche di dolore e i toni delicati dei colori rendono quest'opera un momento di riflessione sull'umanità e la divinità di Cristo, unendo il pathos religioso a una straordinaria maestria artistica.

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Informazioni utili

Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze

The Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:15 am to 6:50 pm, with last entry at 6:20 pm. The museum is closed every Monday, on January 1st and December 25th.

It is strongly recommended to book in advance to avoid long waits. Closing procedures begin 10 minutes before closing time; therefore, access to some rooms may be limited starting from 6:40 pm.

  • Book in advance: Tickets for the Galleria dell’Accademia are in high demand. Book online to avoid long queues.
  • Visit early: Morning hours are less crowded, offering a more intimate experience.
  • Don’t miss the David: After admiring the Prisoners, Michelangelo’s David is the highlight of the visit.

Come arrivare

The Galleria dell’Accademia is located at Via Ricasoli 58-60, in the heart of Florence, just a few steps from the Duomo.

Here’s how to reach it:

  • On foot: From the Duomo, walk north for about 5 minutes along Via Ricasoli.
  • By bus: Urban lines 1, 6, and 14 stop near the entrance.
  • By train: From Santa Maria Novella station, it’s about a 15-minute walk.

La storia

The Descent from the Cross is a work that embodies the profound spirituality of 16th-century Florentine art. Probably intended for an altar, it reflects the transition towards a more intimate and dramatic representation of sacred scenes, typical of Mannerism. The skilful use of light and shadow accentuates the three-dimensionality of the figures, while the details of the faces and gestures evoke an extraordinary empathy for human suffering. This work offers a unique vision of Christian piety and the artistic context of the time.

The Descent from the Cross is a work that embodies the profound spirituality of 16th-century Florentine art. Probably intended for an altar, it reflects the transition towards a more intimate and dramatic representation of sacred scenes, typical of Mannerism. The skilful use of light and shadow accentuates the three-dimensionality of the figures, while the details of the faces and gestures evoke an extraordinary empathy for human suffering. This work offers a unique vision of Christian piety and the artistic context of the time.

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